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Hello and Welcome to SGI

About Us
Hello and Welcome to Stewarts Gully Industries (SGI), my name is Clive Murphie and I'm the Owner/Operator at Stewarts Gully Industries, we have been in operation from late December in 2001.

I come from a Manufacturing background and have been enjoying the "Outside Life Style" of managing SGI, in particular the Stewarts Gully Mini Golf, however unfortunately due to the economic downturn created by the aftermath of the Christchurch Earthquakes, the Mini Golf Course closed in June 2011.

SGI started with my interest in Ice Skating many years ago, I started sharpening skates and from it grew "Ice Skate Services" as my knowledge and experience have grown as opportunities arose. SGI developed. I have always been involved in community and sports groups usually in a Leadership capacity, and this has given me lots of “hands on” experience organising Events and Functions, from Car Rallies to Conferences, to trips away. 

My manufacturing background has given me basic working understanding of mechanical, air, steam and hydraulic systems, this, paired with an enquiring mind that since childhood has always been pulling everything I can get my hands on apart and then putting it back together. My experience coupled with the extensive research capability of the internet has meant that "Problem Solving" has become my forte.

Recently I have been working part time for a builder and this along with established Kiwi home handyman traits, always working with my hands, and a desire to do a quality job, has led to me being contracted to work: building fences, patio extensions, general home maintaince and painting jobs. 

The Stewarts Gully Mini Golf Course was established under my management for 10 years and before the Earthquakes continued to grow in scope and in reputation. It’s great to hear someone praising the time they spent there, not knowing that it's my business.
After choosing to finish my Manufacturing Career the day before turning 40, my goal has always been to own my own business. Living opposite from the disused Stewarts Gully Mini Golf Course and having a prior family connection with experience of it, prompted me to purchase it and bring it back from extinction. Memories of when it was one of the biggest attractions in Christchurch, also helped.

The Bicycle side of my business has developed since I started tinkering with Tandems and Novelty Pushbikes, The Recycled Bicycle started life with me, being given a couple of Ladies Pushbikes and being told to make a Tandem, riding it was great fun and my friends loved it. We had to have 2 so we could have races!!! Then push bikes started arriving at my gate, as people sought to get rid of those old bikes that are not good enough to sell but too good to throw away. Currently at the time of writing I have about 35 bikes that I hire out and a shed with another 30-40 waiting for conversion. So far commissions from customers for 2 recumbent Trike's, a Side by Side Tandem and a Handcycle have kept me busy, as well as making the odd tandem bike and trailer for sale on Trademe. This part of the business has developed well overshadowing the Mini Golf in the summer of 2011.

I now have PEDALMANIA operating. This is where we bring our strange, clever, crazy and bizarre pedal powered bikes to wherever you are, for you to ride and enjoy, its riotous fun, our bikes are designed to be ridden, (well most of them) by 1,2,3, or 5 people. We also individually hire out bikes for special events; this can be with or without a rider if needed.

This edition of our website went live on 2nd August 2012 marking the growth of SGI and the necessary registration of the, and domain names.

We shall see how it develops from here!!!!!

To my customers "THANKS" for your patronage; I couldn't do it without you.

My philosophy has always been to do everything possible to make sure my Customers enjoy their time with whatever I am doing and that way, they will want to come back. 
Positive Customer "word of mouth" advertising is the best we can get and it helps our business continue to grow.

See you "Next Time" you visit or need my services.



Clive Murphie

Owner Operator
Stewarts Gully Industries
Ph: 033238293
Mob: 0274504399