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Our Bikes

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Strange, clever and crazy bikes
BICYCLES BUILT BY The Recycled Bicycle
Our Original Side by Side
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Manufactured by us after seeing some old pictures from
the 1800's where the originals had a crank either side of the bike, this
resulted in lots of bent cranks on the original and later on the Buddy
Bikes, we have made the improvement of adding extra bearings and raising
the pedal train to stop pedal strike while going round the corners.
Getting on is a breeze but it usually takes a couple of
starts to get used to the steering, then its away you go! It feels
strange going up and down as you turn corners, I would rate this one of
my favourite rides out of all my bikes. People who are within about
20-30kgs of each other find this easier to ride. This has proved so
popular that we were commissioned to build another bike as a
Christmas Present. It is significantly
more social to ride side by side, rather than one behind the other as on
a normal tandem, travelling as Passenger and having no steering is also
a challenge.
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